Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lupinus Lunacy

Lupinus texensis, March 30, 2009

As promised in an earlier post, here is a comparison of the bluebonnet crops in the north field at Dog Park. All the photos in this entry were taken on the last few days of March. 

Joey, March 2007 (photo courtesy of Erica S.)
"Large fields of bluebonnets, resembling a sea of blue are not uncommon, especially around the highland lakes of Central Texas." --Texas Wildflowers: A Field Guide (UT Press, 1994)

Joey, again, March 2008 (photo courtesy of Erica S.)

Roma, March 30, 2009

According to Texas Wildflowers, the bluebonnet (Lupinus subcarnosus) has been the Texas state flower since 1901. Since 1971, however, the state legislature thoughtfully voted to include all species of Lupinus as the state flower, including L. havardii, which grows in the Big Bend area, and L. texensis, shown above. 

Perhaps one argument we can make in order to preserve our Dog Park (the land that appears in the photos above is part of the State Cemetery Annex, which is currently under consideration for sale, pending the state legislature's approval on Wednesday, April 1, 2009) would be to tell the pols that new development on "our" land would certainly wreak havoc on the bluebonnets. The bluebonnet as political tool! 

Other arguments suggested by Dog Parkers include reminding the pols of their own mortality and suggesting that they think of their legacies. Wouldn't they like to be buried one day under the majestic canopies of live oak in the state cemetery, circa 2039? To be honest, I'm not sure which is worse--a housing development or dead politicians sullying our Park. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! That picture of Roma lying in that field of dessicated....dirt. Where our beautiful bluebonnets should be.

    The best ones I've seen around town are on the easement as you turn from Slaughter onto northbound MoPac. Even there it's just a few clumps :(


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