Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Muzzy's Riposte

"Giving you such a look?
What are you, an open book?"

"Can't you see what I'm trying to tell you? 
If only you knew how much I smell you." 

The poems by Roy Blount, Jr. were inspired by the lovely photographs by Valerie Shaff, which appear in If only you knew how much I smell you: True portraits of dogs  (A Bullfinch Press Book). 

In case you haven't noticed, I have been experiencing technical difficulties with my blog template. My apologies for fonts of different sizes, awkwardly placed photos, and text caroming around the textbox. I'm hoping a new "stretch" template will improve matters. Thanks for your patience!  --z

1 comment:

  1. That top photo of M. is really great - the look on her face and the curl in her tail are priceless.

    And yay! a blogroll.


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