Sunday, January 3, 2010

Dog Park, 01/01/10

It's a brand new year, a shiny new decade.  I decided to start them both off right by walking to the Dog Park. New Year's Day was  bright, breezy, and cold. As Roma snoozed in a patch of sunlight in our back yard, Muzzy and I snuck out the front and covered seven-tenths of a mile to Park. We met only few other happy souls—no one we knew well enough to talk to. Mostly we enjoyed the sunshine and the curious sensation of walking vigorously in Austin without sweating. Here is some of what we saw:

Happy New Year, everyone. -z


  1. Love the shadow photo! Mindy and I went to DP three times in the last three days and did three loops each time. I hope that is some kind of numerical charm that will bring us back more often all year; we both missed it. Hope to see you there sometime soon.

  2. I love the park all bare like this.

    Wow: 202 posts in 2009!


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