The city of Austin, Texas, is home to a well trodden but unofficial gathering place for leash-averse dogs. Eighty acres, hundreds of dogs; these are my stories.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Yur Tax Dollurs at Werk
I wish that I could take credit for having spotted the spelling error on the latest signage, which appeared more than a couple of months ago. Once the error was pointed out to me, however, the least I could do is put my red editor's pen to good use.
The Dog Park is an unofficial leash-free zone where dozens of dogs daily defy the law under live oak and pecan trees. Names in this blog may have been changed or obscured to protect the innocent and the easily offended.
Recurring Characters
Muzzy and Roma
About the Dog Parkist
The Dog Parkist is an occasional contributor to this blog. She is a highly sensitive and ethical individual whose purpose in life is to set things straight and people on the road to enlightenment. Her views do not necessarily reflect those of the blogger or her dogs, but they do try to amuse when possible.
Ha ha ha ha ha! That is awesome (awesum?)!