Sunday, May 10, 2009

Photo of the Week: Moon over Dog Park

A nearly full moon rising in the east over Dog Park, Thursday, May 7, 2009. (This photo was slightly enhanced to bring out the moon. Of course, the full moon rose a majestic orange ball in the sky Friday night when I did not have my camera.) 

The image reminded me of that strange and tender Kurt Weill/Bertolt Brecht song "The Alabama Song," which is also known as "Moon Over Alabama." Here's the first verse and chorus (mildly inappropriate, I suppose, for a Mother's Day posting. Sorry, Mum!):

"The Alabama Song" or "Moon Over Alabama"
Show us the way to the next whiskey bar
Don't ask why
For we must find the next whiskey bar
Or if we don't find the next whiskey bar
I tell you we must die
I tell you we must die
I tell you
I tell you
I tell you we must die

Oh Moon of Alabama
We now must say goodbye
We've lost our good old mama
And must have whiskey ... you know why

What's the Dog Park version of this song? It's pretty obvious, right?

The Moon Over Dog Park Song
Show us the way to the next water bowl
Don't ask why
For we must find the next water bowl
Or if we don't find the next water bowl
I tell you we must pant
I tell you we must pant
I tell you
I tell you
I tell you we must pant.

Oh Moon of Dog Park
We now must say goodbye
It's time to watch "Idol"
And must have water ... you know why

Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas, human and canine. 

1 comment:

  1. "Time to watch Idol"

    You are hilarious!

    Summer full moons at the DP are magical.


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