Thursday, May 20, 2010

This Just In: Crazy Guy Busted at Dog Park

Friends, I just this morning got an e-mail from Bill (Lulu) about Crazy Guy. Read for yourselves:

Here is a little tidbit for your blog--
The 45th street dog park loonie paid Michelle [Sugar] and I a visit at the dog park (north parking lot) last night - I went over there just after running into you [in the neighborhood]. He was harassing us with his motorcycle and telling us what assholes we were for ignoring the signs about leashing. (Johnny told me that he had chased you with his motorcycle). He told me I was lucky that LuLu hadn't bitten him or he would have shot me and that he would have been well within the law to do so.
Anyway, I called the cops on him and when they came they talked to him aside from us and after 10 min they cuffed him and took him to jail. They took my number and said they were arresting him for PI and would impound his motorcycle.
I don't want this incident to show up on the dog park listserver, so please don't post anything there. I will provide more details later (when I have time), but for now I would like to ask that you get the word around to avoid 45th even more. That guy may be dangerous to not only dogs, but people. He could be an alcoholic that resorts to violence before he gets help, or he could be just plain emotionally disturbed and not taking his meds. I never imagined him going this far-----
Next thing on my agenda will be to get [Dog Park Neighbor who hijacks the listserv and lectures us about poop] hauled off.(just kidding)

Well, imagine my amazement. You know, Crazy Guy once called the cops on me. They showed up in minutes. Meanwhile, while yet another crazy guy tries to bust down my door on Sunday, the cops couldn't bothered to show up, but that's another story. CG really has a thing for wanting dog bites. He once asked me to let Roma bite him, so "we could go to court and get it over with." And what is it, exactly? Crazy Guy, you can bite me instead. 

As always, let's be careful out there and give 45th Street a miss for a while. Take care.


  1. Wow! I'm giving up the listserv. Your blog is so much more reliable and the information is *top notch*. Also, you can shut down the trolls over here.

    Good for Bill. CG has threatened to shoot people more than once, which is truly scary. The police don't mess around with gun threats: they'll show up in less than an hour.

    Thanks for the breaking news!

  2. Yikes. Would somebody please open another secret dog park within walking distance of our houses sans CG's, listserv trolls, and Animal Control? While we're at it, perhaps there should be an intensive application process to use the park and a Supreme Council of select humans and dogs who will interview applicants and make decisions as to their worthiness.

    I think I'd give my canines for such a place. Teeth, that is.

  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I wish I could have been there to take a picture. Maybe this will teach him.


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